
Once again it’s that time, time to share a few moments with other writers around the world. We may be insecure, but we’ve got a lot to say on the subject. So, if you want to learn more or if you’re a fellow insecure writer, hop on over to the blog via the picture above. There’s a large pool of talent awaiting you. It’s a new year why not find meet new people? Writers are always good. 🙂

And by the way, to everyone out there that is celebrating a new year:


Now on to my insecurity for this month. And I must admit it’s not really an insecurity. Since it is a new year, I’m taking this opportunity to set some writing goals for myself. Cliche, maybe, but I recently had a couple of weeks off, and during that time I did several things that I hadn’t done in a while: pleasure reading, multiple reviews for other writers, and relaxing. And, my creativity meter felt like it went through the roof. Because I want more of that, and I know it isn’t possible to quit my day job to get it, I want to set forth specific goals that may keep the creative juices flowing even when things get busy.

  • Read more books in the genre of my current work-in-progress. Instead of watching TV before bed, I’d like to commit to reading a bit each night from one of the books piled high on my bedside table.
  • Two reviews of other writers per week. I have a fabulous critique group, and I have let many weeks pass with one or fewer reviews. Not only is that a let down as a partner, but it lessens how much I’m learning about my craft. In order to continue to develop my writing skills, I need to think about how writing decisions contribute the whole of a story, and the best way I’ve found to do that is through reviewing the work of other writers.
  • Last but not least, I need to allow myself to occasionally take a break. Now, I’m not saying that I never do. In fact, I regularly have one day per week where I’m just too tired, or busy, or… but what I think I need to do is use that time in another way that fuels me instead of beating myself up over it. If I’m honestly stuck, or I’m just exhausted, I plan to put my head back and listen to music, watch a movie I like, or click through some beautiful images online. Something that keeps my brain creatively spinning while my body takes the break it needs.

Although this list seems simple, and I am already doing these things sometimes, I need to commit to a more regular habit. If I’m going to reduce my insecurities, or at least make better use of them, I need to work harder and smarter.

I know I’m not the only one making resolutions of sorts for the coming year. What are some of the things other writers want to commit themselves to? (Note: I didn’t say places :))

About kimlajevardi

I am a forty-something-year-old writer. I'm currently drafting my second book. I've also written short stories, poems, and some non-fiction over the last several years. My interest in writing formed during countless hours with my nose tucked in books. I may have even been clutching a novel as I was born. :)
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25 Responses to IWSG

  1. I’m half-way through 2 books at the moment, and suddenly haven’t got time to read them. You’ve reminded me I should make time! Good luck with your goals 🙂

  2. Your goals are reachable, Kim. That’s why you’re going to succeed. Too often we set goals we can’t reach, and yet we’re shocked when we don’t. I’m with you, setting goals I can actually accomplish. Like finishing my WIP.

  3. I couldn’t agree more! Those breaks are what keep our creative wells full. And reading always inspires me to write better!!

  4. Gina says:

    Great goals for 2014! I definitely should read more.

  5. Great goals for 2014! I especially like the part about taking breaks 🙂

  6. jamieayres says:

    LOVE all these resolutions! I probably need to take more breaks from reading & writing!

  7. Rhissanna says:

    The best of luck with these (and thank you for the follow!). Resting to re-charge and re-discover inspiration is an important thing. I hope you get a chance to do it.

    My resolution? It’s to write. Just to do it, not sit here letting my life be vacuumed away by Facebook, and actually write the wretched book. The best step towards that is to set up a computer in my sewing room that’s not connected to the internet. No sneaking off and pretending it’s research…

    • kimlajevardi says:

      Thank you and you’re welcome. 😉

      Planning to write away from the lure of the internet sounds like a great resolution. I think we all struggle with the pull of Facebook, Twitter, etc… A mind pushed to create sometimes looks for the shiniest distraction it can find. Maybe that’s how they come up with the inspiration for Facebook.. 🙂 Anyways, good luck with getting more time to write.

  8. I really should read more. I’m hoping to get a Kindle this year, so I’m sure the novelty of that will have me buying all my bloggy friends books!

    • kimlajevardi says:

      I bet your blog friends will appreciate the sales boost. 🙂 I really love reading when I’m stuck with writing. I can’t think of anything that is quite as useful and pleasurable at the same time.

  9. Leanne Ross says:

    My writing goals are few. I want to revise the two rough drafts I finished in 2013 and start querying.

    I love allowing my reading time to be considered working towards writing. It makes those late nights spent with a book seem like I am not wasting time at all.

    Good luck with your goals.

    Leanne ( http://readfaced.wordpress.com/ )

  10. Claire Duffy says:

    I think you have a great attitude to ‘resolutions’ – hopes and goals are always a healthier and more attainable way to go! I have a bad habit of always prioritising writing time over reading – writing time is important of course, but I’ve come to learn that I write better when I’m reading, so one of my goals is to carve out specific reading time, rather than wait until I’m ‘free’.

  11. I also believe in working smarter, not harder. That said, I seem to always be busy. I do make time for reading, though. I’m glad I read fast. I do read a combination of short and medium books, and only a few long books, to make my Goodreads reading goal.

    • kimlajevardi says:

      My reading vacillates between slow and fast depending on my real-life responsibilities. But during the summer, the beautiful summer when I don’t have to work, I can read like a fiend. Catches me up from the fall when I have next to no time.

  12. Cathy Keaton says:

    I think the best resolutions are the ones we won’t forget as the year progresses. They’re the ones we want to do, anyway, even if we never had any new years to keep track of.

    I think your goals are great! I know I always take Sundays off every week, and that day allows me to energize and be ready for the next week of activity.

    • kimlajevardi says:

      Thanks! I believe in realistic goals because I hate saying I’ll do something and then not doing it. For me, a non-work day like Sunday is too precious to skip. I tend to want one of the work days to slack (at least on the writing front). Although, if I’m honest, sometimes it is a veg day on the weekend that I need most of all. 🙂

  13. Julie Dao says:

    This is such a great post! We have the same goals for this year 🙂 I’ve taught myself to stop feeling bad about being too tired or busy to write. Life happens, and it comes first (sometimes unfortunately). We should be happy when we write, and want to write. Wishing you the best for this year with your writing!

  14. lexacain says:

    Of everyone whose 2014 goals I’ve read, these sound like the only ones I know I could do! I’m with you on everything you wrote. Most important for me, I’ve got to devote more time to reading in my genre. It’s very inspiring.

    • kimlajevardi says:

      It really is inspiring to read. I’ve written some of my best scenes after having let a beautifully-told story wash over me. I think it ignites something inside and allows me to see how to improve my own work. Thanks for commenting, Lex!

  15. Sometimes we need that break!
    i want to set aside more time for reading. My iPad is about to explode with books.

    • kimlajevardi says:

      Oh my IPAD, don’t remind me. 🙂 I’m such a book collector, but when they gather dust because I get “busy”, it makes me sad. Here’s hoping we all read a lot more in the new year.

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